Top 10 according to HHM version

"Yakhnich Motorsport" takes the second place in the Top 10 All-Femme MR Teams of the World!

The world-known Internet which pays special attention to women motorcycling has started a unique project - Top 10: International All-Femme Motorcycle Race Teams. In the pages of this Internet-magazine one can find a list of the best world MR teams consisting exclusively of courageous representatives of the fair sex from France, Canada, the USA, Italy, New Zealand, Great Britain, Spain and Belgium. And to the big pride of the country our Russian pilots Nadja Yakhnich and Natalya Lubimova take the second position in this rating.



Traffic safety and decency

The rally of policemen-motorcyclists from different countries takes place abroad every year.

Winter Tests in Spain and Italy

In the frames of the winter practice plan "Yakhnich Motorsport" had three training sessions abroad...