YMS Season-2010 Results on Championat-TV

Unique video material appeared on the site www.championat.ru.

All the pilots who are going to defend the colors of “Yakhnich Motorsport” in the future season gave exclusive interviews to Championat-TV. The journalists’ questions weren’t answered only by the charming sportswomen Nadya Yakhnich and Natasha Lubimova but also by the new “Yakhnich Motorsport” sportsmen – Maxim Kyselev, Sergey Vlasov and Vladimir Leonov.  Results of the season-2010, reflections about races and the team development plans one can learn from the interview selection under a joint title “Yakhnich Motorsport. Results of the season” on Chempionat-TV.

Nadia Yakhnich
Надя Яхнич
Nata Lyubimova
Наташа Любимова
Sergey Vlasov
Власов Сергей
Maxim Kiselev
Киселев Максим
Vladimir Leonov
Леонов Владимир


Good news from China

The team “Yakhnich Motorsport” is happy to tell the news about the YMS Junior Team leader Ivan Lukin’s success in professional motoring.

In sport everybody is on the ground floor!

The racers of the team “Yakhnich Motorsport” Nadya Yakhnich and Natasha Lubimova gave an interview to Yaroslavl journalists.