YMS is opening the winter training season

“Yakhnich Motorsport” has gone for winter training to Spain and Portugal. The plan is to have sessions almost on every Spanish motor-track – Almeria, Jerez, and Cartagena and also in Portuguese Portimao. The bikes for the training session will come both from Russia and Italy and the team will be working in full Italian-Russian strength under the guidance of the head-coach Claudio Corsetti. The new racing season will begin not very soon, so the pilots are not given global tasks for the time being. The main aim of the training session is to warm up the piloting skills after the break and organize effective team work, as “Yakhnich Motorsport” opened the season in new strength. This year it has been reinforced with men-pilots – the YMS colors will not be defended only by Nadia Yakhnich and Nataliya Lyubimova but also by Maxim Kiselev, Sergey Vlasov and Vladimir Leonov.

Альмерия 2011



The First Training Session of the Team “Yakhnich Motorsport”

The YMS racers Nadya Yakhnich, Natasha Lubimova, Vladimir Leonov, Sergey Vlasov and Maxim Kyselev have come back to Moscow after their training session in Spain and Portugal.

The updated profiles of the YMS pilots

YMS started this training season in new strength, having been reinforced with men-pilots.