Results of 1Q SSP in Donington

The weather in Englad is around +8 also with strong cold wind. On Friday it started to rain. During the qualification the weather getting better and better, and leader riders of Supersport took advantage.  

"I'm very glad with this weekend! I feel bike very good! Thanks a lot for the great bike!! Team work hard! I don't need to do many laps on my home track. If the weather is fine tomorrow and on Sunday, we will have to start from the beginning.",- said Sam Lowes.

"Donington is an easy track for me. In the morning we did a great job, I tried to make more laps and improve in each exits. Unfortunately, engine problems didn’t let me to finish this work. It happens in racings. Tomorrow is not going to be easy…", - said Vladimir Leonov after the 2Q.



Nadia №1 in the sky!

30 May – 2 June 2013 on the airdrome “FINAM” was held the Third Championship of Moscow of the aerobatics on sporting airplanes.  This Championship officially opened the new sport season 2013.

Yakhnich Motorsport riders talks about Moto-Park 2013

The past weekend Vladimir Leonov #65 and Sam Lowes #11 (riders of Russian team which presents Russia on the World Championship World Supersport) became guests of the annual motorcycle exhibition MotoPark 2013 in Moscow.